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lugnet.general,, lugnet.starwars
Wed, 23 Feb 2000 22:17:59 GMT
47 times
oops!  I just saw the reference folder ....

bad form, replying to old post, I know.  *sigh*  Ah well, my transgressions mount as
ever ...


Shaun Sullivan wrote:


The Tiger II Tank is AMAZING.  What do you use for reference material?  The detail
on the interior is stunning, especially if it is all accurate!  The WWII Street
Scene looks perfect too.  I'm going to be hosting a NELUG Brikwars event in March,
and my contributions look to be strongly weighted in WWII period items.  They may
get mulched by flying mechs and such, but they'll look cool  ;)  The Tiger Tank
would look stunning too.  Any chance there will be some LDRAW files in the future?
I know it's intimidating, but I found it pretty straightforward when I picked it up
to LDRAW my AT-ST.

By the way, are the howitzer and heavy troop-portable machine-guns accurate too (as
much as can be expected at that scale?)   That is, do they represent real guns?  My
howitzer is pretty much a custom job, though it does look period authentic.  Even
though it's in black :D

Anyways, I can't say enough.  The Tiger II is unbelievable ... I am throughly
shell-shocked by it *grin*


Carl Greatrix wrote:

I have just posted pictures of the first 3 models I have built in 17 years in
the members gallery at are a battle tank, star wars AT-
ST and Millenium Falcon...please let me know what you think :) Thanks!!

Message is in Reply To:
Carl, The Tiger II Tank is AMAZING. What do you use for reference material? The detail on the interior is stunning, especially if it is all accurate! The WWII Street Scene looks perfect too. I'm going to be hosting a NELUG Brikwars event in March, (...) (25 years ago, 23-Feb-00, to lugnet.general,, lugnet.starwars)

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