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Re: wishin' on a BIG star
Thu, 2 Sep 2004 11:41:42 GMT
421 times
In lugnet.dear-lego, Melody Brown wrote:
   In lugnet.dear-lego, Deborah Higdon wrote:
   dear lego,

one day, when i grow up, i’m hopin’ my dreams will come true. i’m hopin’ that you’ll build some really neat pieces, pieces that’ll help us make even more fantastic things with your fantastic toys. i don’t know who looks at this letter, but if you could help get it to the people who make the bricks, we’d (the afols) really like you a whole lot better!

please look at the things that i wish for, and help make my dreams come true. wishin’ on a star

yours truly,

deborah (a 8- or 9-year old stuck in a much older body)

Some cool parts!!! Glad someone agrees with the flower thingys ;)

I’d also like:

1x3 tiles... such a pain to have to use a 1x2 and a 1x1 when there is no stud to attach the 1x1 to (for example tops of certain fences (spindled) etc).

1x2x2 fence pieces... that would be glorious!!! (imagines better balconys, stairwells and barred windows etc...)

MORE FOLIAGE!!! but also different colours... how about some Autumn/Fall colours? and some dark forest green colours? and those different coloured flowers *droooool*

YES!!!! I am in love with my new MAGENTA flowers :D Good to see a new flower colour (the standard flowers that go on the green stems). How about violet and purples and orange flowers???
More food! how about some oranges, complete with dimples ;) and bunches of grapes :D and whatever else we could use...

Orange and Yellow bottles, cartons and jars etc!!! coool! I was happy to add those to my collection too!

   Bricks that have studs all over on each side would be cool... and inverted if possible...

More textured bricks (like the grill but obviously different, maybe with a ‘biscuit’ effect for architecture purposes)

Sliding doors... proper working ones would be good...

Angled bricks/windows/doors or something to attach them to...

Oh I could think of lots... but the above sounds good to me so far...


Mel (gets back to looking at all the goodies)
(Won’t hold her breath, but will be pleasantly surprised if any of the above eventuates).


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: wishin' on a BIG star
(...) Some cool parts!!! Glad someone agrees with the flower thingys ;) I'd also like: 1x3 tiles... such a pain to have to use a 1x2 and a 1x1 when there is no stud to attach the 1x1 to (for example tops of certain fences (spindled) etc). 1x2x2 (...) (21 years ago, 20-Jul-04, to lugnet.dear-lego,,,, FTX)

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