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Re: MOC: Mother's Day figures
Mon, 13 May 2002 18:22:00 GMT
661 times
In, Maggie Cambron writes:
In lugnet.announce.moc, Tony Hafner writes:
To follow up my cheesy Valentine present, I'm giving my wife Lego again for
Mother's day.  And again, I've packaged it up disassembled, with
instructions, inside Lego packaging.

I have no worries that she'll discover it here on Lugnet, so you all get to
see it before she does.

OMG Tony, with five children under the age of five and three of them triplet
boys, she probably doesn't have time to breathe, let alone sit down at the

Yeah, you could say she's pretty busy.  Thank goodness I get to leave the
house for 40 hours each week, or I'd go nuts!

Um, I don't mean that quite like it sounds.  But in any case, yes- we have a
busy house.

See it at:

You have once again outdone yourself!  Sadly, I cannot expect any such thing
from the NLS, but as Mother's Day falls on our anniversary this year, I suspect
I'll be able to console myself with a new digital camera (my fingers are

Well, I wish you luck.  My wife isn't really into Lego, but she appreciates
it and she likes it as a hobby that I can share with the kids.  More than
anything, I think she likes to know that I'm spending some of my (fairly
rare) hobby time thinking of her.

Tony Hafner

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MOC: Mother's Day figures
(...) OMG Tony, with five children under the age of five and three of them triplet boys, she probably doesn't have time to breathe, let alone sit down at the computer! (...) from the NLS, but as Mother's Day falls on our anniversary this year, I (...) (23 years ago, 11-May-02, to

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