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Re: When is a Slope not a Roof Tile? (WAS: we want....a shrubbery)
Thu, 22 Nov 2001 19:59:41 GMT
484 times
In, Kevin Loch writes:
In, Johannes Keukelaar writes:
"KL" == Kevin Loch <> writes:

KL> Their names are derived from poorly translated Dutch names, based on
KL> a naming convention that fell apart after they added the 2x3
KL> brick.

s/Dutch/Danish/, I presume?

Doh!  Yes, my apologies to both countries :)


Apology accepted from the Dutch part ;-)
Mark -where do I put those trees in my Classic Space Base?- de Kock

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: we want....a shrubbery)
(...) Under a huge greenhouse dome type construction. There are several famous SF references in books and movies that set a precedent for this. I remember a movie about a colonising spaceship that caried Earth's last trees (planet Earth suffered a (...) (23 years ago, 22-Nov-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: When is a Slope not a Roof Tile? (WAS: we want....a shrubbery)
(...) Doh! Yes, my apologies to both countries :) KL (23 years ago, 19-Nov-01, to

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