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Re: When is a Slope not a Roof Tile? (WAS: we want....a shrubbery)
Mon, 19 Nov 2001 15:03:32 GMT
411 times
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
Which *PROVES* that our name for these elements is BETTER than TLCs since
both the medium and low slope pieces are called "roof tiles". Feh!

It is well known that our names are far superior to the "official" TLC
names.  Their names are derived from poorly translated Dutch names, based on
a naming convention that fell apart after they added the 2x3 brick.  Basically
they just make the stuff up as they go along and the translations don't work
very well.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: When is a Slope not a Roof Tile? (WAS: we want....a shrubbery)
"KL" == Kevin Loch <> writes: KL> Their names are derived from poorly translated Dutch names, based on KL> a naming convention that fell apart after they added the 2x3 KL> brick. s/Dutch/Danish/, I presume? KL> KL Cheers, Johannes. (...) (23 years ago, 19-Nov-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: When is a Slope not a Roof Tile? (WAS: we want....a shrubbery)
(...) Yes: (URL) *PROVES* that our name for these elements is BETTER than TLCs since both the medium and low slope pieces are called "roof tiles". Feh! See, if they would just LISTEN to us... oh wait, they do listen to us. (...) No comment. That (...) (23 years ago, 18-Nov-01, to

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