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MOC Cars: Low-rider, NYC Taxicab, NYPD police car
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 05:53:08 GMT
80 times

Hey, it's been a while since I"ve posted with some new creations.  I
uploaded some pictures of cars I've made onto brickshelf:

There are 2 New York City taxicabs, one has a typical roof-billboard and
bumper guards, the other does not.  I actually made one of the two about 6
months ago, but put up some better pictures of it.  They're modeled after
the standard Ford Crown Victoria taxicab.

I also made a NYPD police car with the "V" shaped roof lights and
telescoping emergency lights.  The car's body is roughly  the same shape as
the taxicab, but the rear and front are changed a bit to make it look more
like the newer Chevy Impala police cruisers.

I also threw up some pictures of a low-rider that has clear taillights,
tinted headlights, and fat-tires.  I actually built this car about 2 years
ago, but never took any photos of it.  (You might see it in the background
of some of my city photos every now and then.)


--- - New York City in Lego

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: MOC Cars: Low-rider, NYC Taxicab, NYPD police car
I like the detail on all of them. The tail lights on the Police Cruiser are perfect. I like the stickers as well. great job. Jonathan (23 years ago, 22-Oct-01, to
  Re: MOC Cars: Low-rider, NYC Taxicab, NYPD police car
All: I uploaded some more pictures of 2 new cars I built today. A stretch Limo, and a VW Jetta. The Jetta is the first car that I've tried to make an undercarriage for. There's a little exhaust pipe coming out the back, and some random doohickeys (...) (23 years ago, 23-Oct-01, to

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