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 Books / *455 (-10)
  Re: Jim Spaceborn?
(...) I have this one: (URL) (18 years ago, 20-Sep-06, to lugnet.books)
  Re: Jim Spaceborn?
(...) And be proactive? Pshaw! Actually, I guess I just assumed he was Danish and wouldn't speak English-- but from what I've heard about those crazy Danes, English is pretty common... Hmm... DaveE (18 years ago, 19-Sep-06, to lugnet.books,
  Re: Jim Spaceborn?
(...) Well, you could just drop him a note: (URL) like he's still around! Calum (18 years ago, 19-Sep-06, to lugnet.books,
  Re: Jim Spaceborn?
(...) Quoting from: (URL) In January 1984, Madsen was contracted by the LEGO toy company's publishing (...) From: (URL) For LEGO he wrote and illustrated three 48 page graphic novels with Jim (...) So in theory, the 3rd book exists, although I have (...) (18 years ago, 19-Sep-06, to lugnet.books,
  Re: Jim Spaceborn?
Well Jaco, You'd better add it to your "Set-list". I did years ago. (URL) David, I knew about part two, as you can see it is also known in the database, but I had yet to see a good picture of the cover. Thanks for that. I have no idea about part (...) (18 years ago, 19-Sep-06, to lugnet.books,
  Re: Jim Spaceborn?
(...) Most of the references I found online were European (mostly Danish?), which I sadly can't translate. I kind of wonder if the 3rd book was never released in English... DaveE (18 years ago, 19-Sep-06, to lugnet.books,
  Re: Jim Spaceborn?
Hey I know this! I believe I even have a Dutch version of it too. I must look it up! Jaco "David Eaton" <> schreef in bericht (...) (18 years ago, 19-Sep-06, to lugnet.books,
  Jim Spaceborn?
So... I remember as a kid sort of looking at Jim Spaceborn more-or-less in passing, but I never realized that it was a series! We probably remember the basic cover of The Unknown Galaxy: (URL) But this was new to me: (URL) AND, according to some (...) (18 years ago, 18-Sep-06, to, lugnet.books, FTX)
  Re: New Book: Who Are You People?
(...) Hmm, that book looks like it's about a bunch of freaks--what was she doing interviewing AFOLs? Derek (18 years ago, 23-Jul-06, to lugnet.books, lugnet.mediawatch, FTX)
  New Book: Who Are You People?
Last year I was contacted by freelance writer (URL) Cauldron>. She came out to House of Bricks in 2005 to (URL) some time> and interview all of us for her upcoming book about folks with eccentric hobbies. Her book has now been published and info can (...) (18 years ago, 20-Jul-06, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.books, lugnet.mediawatch, FTX)

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