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  Microscale battleship
(2 URLs) Here's a microscale battleship (aka Maritime Museum) that I was working on as a Factory entry. It was rejected within hours of being uploaded :( but thought I'd share it here! The hull shaping is 1/2 plate offset SNOT with sliding tiles to (...) (20 years ago, 18-Jan-05, to lugnet.announce.moc,,, FTX) !! 
  Re: (MOC) 36-gun Frigate RTS LEGOMALEE
(...) Did the Texicans ever float a navy at all? (...) I think it is spiffy! I love that you have two decks! And that you have tumblehome. I was on the gun deck of the HMS Victory in Portsmouth and it is remarkable how little headroom there is (IIRC (...) (20 years ago, 15-Jan-05, to lugnet.pirates,, FTX)
These were posted at EuroBricks, (URL) but someone put the pics on BrickShelf (thanks!)... (URL) set to castle although arguably vikings predate most castle stuff. There is some discussion at eb already about where these fit and why LEGO decided to (...) (20 years ago, 12-Jan-05, to lugnet.year.2005, lugnet.castle,, lugnet.pirates)  
  something 4 everyone: swooshable, rollable--lotsa new MOCs
Click on pics to get their respective galleries Planes & Spaceships: (4 URLs) Cars & Buggies: (4 URLs) 2 Boats, a house, a micro (MLcad, L3P & POV-ray rendered) Windmill, & a sea turtle: (5 URLs) AND a micro hover dumper, micro freighter & a (...) (20 years ago, 6-Dec-04, to lugnet.announce.moc,,,,,,, FTX)  
  What might this portend?
I don't know anything at all about the "One Piece" animated series, other than the fact that two of the characters are apparently named Luffy and Shanks. However, while perusing the Japanese MegaBloks site, I came upon (URL) this set.> Leaving aside (...) (20 years ago, 9-Nov-04, to, lugnet.pirates,, FTX)

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