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 Boats / *574 (-5)
  Re: F/V Northwestern (from 'Deadliest Catch')
(...) Very nice. It's ironic that the LEGO crab piece is almost too small to be in scale to the size of the minifig, as compared to some of the giant crabs they catch on the show. David (16 years ago, 18-Jul-08, to,, FTX)
  Re: F/V Northwestern (from 'Deadliest Catch')
(...) Wow. We have a Guess I should look at the various newsgroup names more. I don't think I've ever seen a post to before. I learn something new everyday. Thanks! -Dave ToT-LUG (16 years ago, 18-Jul-08, to, FTX)
  Courageous Class Patrol Ship.
The Courageous Class Patrol Vessel is a high-speed attack craft designed to engage and destroy or cripple enemy capital ships and defend the shores of Tabletown. It's secondary roles include coastguard duties, anti-piracy, and tracking down drug (...) (16 years ago, 24-Jun-08, to, lugnet.announce,, FTX)  
  Waterborne offensive!
Hi all, I haven't posted any MOCs recently, but I have been building a number of new things, which I hope to post over the next week or two. To start off here are two riverine/coastal type patrol vessels. These are my first boats in the military (...) (17 years ago, 5-Oct-07, to, lugnet.announce.moc, !! 
  Lego Cruise Ship Challenge
Hey All, I just got an email about this and thought some you might be interested. "Norwegian Cruise Line and the LEGO Group are teaming on NCL’s LEGO Cruise Ship Building Challenge, exclusively for LEGO Club members. Young builders are invited to (...) (17 years ago, 16-Sep-07, to lugnet.announce,,,, FTX)  

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