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 Boats / *449 (-5)
  Re: A little math cioncerning ships, containers and Minifigs
(...) I can see both sides of this, but I'm more swayed by 'selective compression', as Larry mentioned. For example-- Jeff VW set up his harbour cranes at a few of our train shows-- (URL) the 'standard' 4x8xwhatever freight containers. The cranes (...) (21 years ago, 20-May-04, to, lugnet.trains)
  Re: A little math cioncerning ships, containers and Minifigs
(...) While on one side I'd say that you're right here, on the other hand some things in proper proportions can get a point across much better. (URL) you've ever seen a real terminal, you'll know it's really overwhelming. I think using 4*6 or 4*8 (...) (21 years ago, 20-May-04, to, lugnet.trains)
  Re: A little math cioncerning ships, containers and Minifigs
(...) I agree with Larry here (...) Larry introduced me to this term/concept and this is what I had in mind. The container size is the key. The model seems to have 5 rows of 2-wide containers and you would want 4-wide which IIRC is what the train (...) (21 years ago, 20-May-04, to, lugnet.trains, FTX)
  Re: A little math concerning ships, containers and Minifigs
I think we should build 3-wide trains to fit these new 2-wide containers... ;-) JohnG, GMLTC fut .trains, just to rile John Neal... (21 years ago, 19-May-04, to, lugnet.trains, FTX)
  Re: A little math cioncerning ships, containers and Minifigs
(...) (snip) (...) Well, that's sharp and all, but I think building to scale really misses the point. That container's 8 wide! I prefer my scenes more packed with detail rather than doing one 10 foot long ship so that I can fit my to scale (...) (21 years ago, 19-May-04, to,, lugnet.trains, FTX)

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