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  Re: The Pelican flying boat
(...) The catalina's are the coolest hopefully my next flying boat I build will have a working landing gear that would be great and i want to make the living quarters even grander. Thanks-James (22 years ago, 23-Jan-03, to
  Re: The Pelican flying boat
(...) Thanks. I would love to have a lot of money and build cool stuff from the discovery channel that's a great idea. Good Luck-Semaj (22 years ago, 23-Jan-03, to
  Re: The Pelican flying boat
(...) Your work has been a real inspiration especially for my black thunder. I don't remember The man with a golden gun at all but I am definetly going to rent it. Thanks-Semaj (22 years ago, 23-Jan-03, to
  Re: The Pelican flying boat
(...) James, Very nice, just the thing for a globe trotting adventurer. Someday when I win Lotto, I'm going to watch the Discovery channels and the History channel all day long, just to build what I see. George (22 years ago, 22-Jan-03, to
  Re: The Pelican flying boat
(...) Excellent! You've captured the catalina style flying boat very well. The working landing gear is a nice touch (am I right in thinking it's not weight bearing, though?) The fold out living quarters are great too. Cheers Richie Dulin (22 years ago, 22-Jan-03, to
  Re: The Pelican flying boat
(...) Ha! I saw it before you posted and was waiting for you to announce!!! Good job! Reminds me of the flying boat that James Bond used in The Man with the Golden Gun...the plane that gets blown up by Scaramanga. Anyways, the color works well for (...) (22 years ago, 22-Jan-03, to
  Pelican 3 made for the sea
The Pelican 3 is a heavily modified SeaPlane built to have all the comforts of home while you travel the world. The discovery wings channels had a special about flying boats all last week and i just had to build one. LMKWYT -Semaj (URL) (22 years ago, 22-Jan-03, to lugnet.announce.moc,,,
  Re: The Pelican flying boat
(...) (URL) I forgot to post the link... (22 years ago, 21-Jan-03, to
  The Pelican flying boat
The Pelican is a heavily modified SeaPlane built to have all the comforts of home while you travel the world. The discovery wings channels had a special about flying boats all last week and i just had to build one. LMKWYT -Semaj (22 years ago, 21-Jan-03, to lugnet.announce.moc,,,, lugnet.general)
  Re: Sterling MOC Three
(...) Working on a page (URL) playing with layout etc. Background illustrations, internal-building-hint views and bunch more in the next batch later in week. Best DaveG (...) (22 years ago, 24-Dec-02, to,

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