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 Boats / *334 (-5)
  Two boats
I tried to dig some links out of Google to LEGO boats that I hadn't seen before. This is all I found: * James Bond boat (building instructions): (URL) * Tour boat: (URL) anybody point me to some LEGO boats/ships I have missed? (previous century (...) (22 years ago, 23-Aug-02, to
  Bregnerod Transit Authority presents its fleet
Bregnerod Transit Authority is proud to present an overview of its fleet: (URL) Transit Authority supplies the citizens of Bregnerod with public transportation as well as freight transport services. Play well, Jacob (fleet manager, BTA) -- Jacob's (...) (22 years ago, 14-Aug-02, to lugnet.announce.moc,, ! 
  Be vewwwy, vewwy quiet...I'm hunting Richard's CVE
Seeing as how Kenneth Tam was mentioning how crowded the South Pacific is getting, now's probably the time to point out that it looks like the population's now one 400-pound Nihon Kaigun (and only barely piratical) gorilla larger: (URL) I'd be kind (...) (22 years ago, 23-Jul-02, to lugnet.pirates, ! 
  Re: Launch of HMAS Ballarat
(...) Neat! Thanks for sharing these. Now THAT is a flared bow, yessirree. It's nice that you folks get to actually see your launchings--they won't let us very close to ours; we had a nice AEGIS destroyer go into the water last year--the last "real" (...) (23 years ago, 26-May-02, to,,
  Okay, time to finish this.
(...) Space? No. Castle? No. Boats. Trust me. Boats. I'll prove it in a couple of months, God willing...;) best LFB FUT -> (23 years ago, 11-May-02, to,

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