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 Boats / *304 (-5)
  Re: Spanish Galleon
Ships made of bricks are cool. (: (23 years ago, 8-Oct-01, to lugnet.pirates,
  Spanish Galleon
Ok, This is my first lego ship I have ever built. I have done this purely for school. It is a 16th to mid 17th century Spanish Galleon. The galleon in real life has over 40 oridnaces on board, unfortunately due to costs I cut that to about 15 or 16. (...) (23 years ago, 8-Oct-01, to lugnet.pirates,  
  Re: I'm "Screw"ed!
(...) Of premade parts, Larry's solution (the windmill fan) will probably look best. But if you're feeling adventurous, you might try to make one from a clutch of 3x3 plates with one round corner. I got a pretty good approximation of a ship screw (...) (23 years ago, 4-Oct-01, to,
  Re: I'm "Screw"ed!
(...) The technic propeller (which I can't find in Partsref unfortunately, but is used on the tail of the 8412 Wasp) is 9 wide. You can mount two back to back on an axle so they are only 1 deep. Problems with this are that you can only have 4 blades (...) (23 years ago, 4-Oct-01, to,
  Re: I'm "Screw"ed!
(...) That'd be pretty cool-- I think the propellor would end up being something like 3 bricks tall/thick using that scheme? (I think each step/"blade" is what, 2 plates thick?) That might be just about right for such a large propeller... DaveE (23 years ago, 4-Oct-01, to,

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