| | Re: New sets, pictures at lego.com
(...) [...] (...) LOL, this sounds about right according to the mention of your (3?) sisters. well, I hope poor Ros doesn't get burned at the stake or anything. (...) Oh Yes! That's right, I remember when I first saw Rosalin's friend Iris. I totally (...) (25 years ago, 3-Jan-00, to lugnet.belville)
 | | Speculations on bedtime stories (was:Re: New sets, pictures at lego.com)
(...) I'll do my best to keep her mind off thinking she's Joan-of-arc, too... ;-) (And yeah, that's three sisters...) [snip] (...) and (...) that (...) that (...) next (...) The Munchkins! And the witch will be the wicked witch of the west, the (...) (25 years ago, 3-Jan-00, to lugnet.belville)
 | | Re: Speculations on bedtime stories (was:Re: New sets, pictures at lego.com)
(...) Ha, yup, we've got Joan covered in that new Castle set anyhow. [...] (...) Ok, that's it. This conversation is TOO fun. :-) I just rented "The Wizard of Oz" on video. And while at the store I saw "Sleeping Beauty" on the shelf. I had forgotten (...) (25 years ago, 4-Jan-00, to lugnet.belville)
 | | Re: Speculations on bedtime stories (was:Re: New sets, pictures at lego.com)
(...) Rent? Huh? Oh, yeah--you've got no children. Heh. At our house, one entire shelf is devoted to Disney videos. 2 deep. And we've got Snow White and Wizard of Oz on LaserDisc. Steve (25 years ago, 5-Jan-00, to lugnet.off-topic.fun)
 | | Re: Speculations on bedtime stories (was:Re: New sets, pictures at lego.com)
TLM (The Little Mermaid) using some of the diver components, maybe pirate ship parts for Prince Eric's ship. -- (...) shelf. I had (...) So now (...) some fun (...) (25 years ago, 5-Jan-00, to lugnet.off-topic.fun)
 | | Re: Speculations on bedtime stories (was:Re: New sets, pictures at lego.com)
(...) Yup. Same here, only now I'm starting to retool with DVD:-p -John (...) (25 years ago, 5-Jan-00, to lugnet.off-topic.fun)
 | | Re: Speculations on bedtime stories (was:Re: New sets, pictures at lego.com)
(...) Right. But that set won't be reaching my hands at least until Disney comes out with a movie about Joany... :-( (On a side note, the real castle line will fit excellntly next to the belville one... Ooops. That's an EMPTY shelf... ;-) wait, that (...) (25 years ago, 6-Jan-00, to lugnet.belville)
 | | Re: Speculations on bedtime stories (was:Re: New sets, pictures at lego.com)
(...) Wow, the things we're missing out on... And I bet you know all those songs by heart now, right? :-) I'm actually not a Disney fan. We only own Fantasia (VHS). But I have a few Jim Hensen movies (loved the Muppet Show as a kid). wonderfully (...) (25 years ago, 9-Jan-00, to lugnet.off-topic.fun)
 | | Re: Speculations on bedtime stories (was:Re: New sets, pictures at lego.com)
(...) Tight budget here too. Keep a sketchbook. It hurts less once your ideas are down. Then assure yourself that in ten years you'll have a great job, able to buy up all those missing sets for outrageous auction prices. :-) -Suz. (25 years ago, 9-Jan-00, to lugnet.belville)
 | | Re: Speculations on bedtime stories (was:Re: New sets, pictures at lego.com)
(...) fairy (...) shelf. (...) White. (...) me (...) Thanks for the tip! (...) Oh, you mean like that Metroliner I didn't get for $150 when I was 10 and now I'm just dying to get for less than $350? ;-) Yeah, I'm assuring myself that this instant. (...) (25 years ago, 9-Jan-00, to lugnet.belville)
 | | Re: Speculations on bedtime stories (was:Re: New sets, pictures at lego.com)
(...) Everytime my nieces come over, they always have to watch the Lion King...as often as possible. It gets very annoying... Luckily, I may have gotten them off that by giving them Miyazaki's "My Neighbor Totoro" for Christmas. From what my sister (...) (25 years ago, 10-Jan-00, to lugnet.off-topic.fun)
 | | Re: Speculations on bedtime stories (was:Re: New sets, pictures at lego.com)
(...) I (...) I should talk. My sister was addicted to the Lion King, she would watch it EVERY DAY, I'm not kidding! I know not only all the songs by heart (I have the disk too :) but also the whole movie! "Life is not fair, is it? In the eye that I (...) (25 years ago, 15-Jan-00, to lugnet.off-topic.fun)