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Technic scale buildings & 'bots!
lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.technic,
Sun, 15 Dec 2002 00:08:20 GMT
2099 times
This is 2 (out of 4 total now) of my Technic scale buildings:
The Church is the most complete; the cross on top is NOT Lego, but a
glow-in-the dark cross my dad got when he was in Sunday school.  My grandmother
suggested that I try it, & it fit perfectly, so I?ve left it on since.

Dari Joy is a diner in Bellows Falls, Vermont, about 10 miles south of
Charlestown, New Hampshire, where I live.  It?s my favorite place to eat & get
ice cream in the summer (it?s only open in the summer anyways.)

These are some ?clunkerbots?:    (post-moderation)
  thru ?/7203bot6.jpg  (now)

I made both from one 7203 set ?Jedi Defense I? (Destroyer droids) set.  I
called ?em clunkerbots, ?cause after I built the first one (the one with
binoculars for ?eyes?) I thought  ?hey, his feet are clunky.?

I'm cross-postin/following up to lugnet.technic &


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Technic scale buildings & 'bots!
<snip> (...) Yup, they're clunky! :-) Looks like you're having fun. Nice little bots... bots are always fun. The 4-eyed head of your first bot looks really cool, binoculars seem to be a commom greeblie here in .space... Build on! -JHK (22 years ago, 15-Dec-02, to
  Re: Technic scale buildings & 'bots!
(...) The church looks very impressive, and its in great scale with the Technic figure. Nice work! ?clunkerbots?: (...) These have a lot of personality for such small creations. They have a sort of Star Wars feel to them beyond the fact they use SW (...) (22 years ago, 16-Dec-02, to lugnet.technic,
  Re: Technic scale buildings & 'bots!
Technic Figs never had it so good! They need a good place to eat and get Ice Cream when they are out 4 Wheel'n, flying Helicopters, Space Shuttles, Pneumo Rigs and more during the summer. That's alot of B&W tiles, nice Bar Stools. ...and I like how (...) (22 years ago, 17-Dec-02, to lugnet.technic,

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