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ThirdEye electronic surveilance ship
Wed, 17 Dec 2003 04:36:05 GMT
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1843 times
Hello again. I have another MOC to share. This mysterious ship is Phineass McBride’s electronic spy ship know as the ThirdEye. Phineass is known throughout the galaxy as an expert info-pirate who deals information to the highest bidder. Restored from a drifting PCS scoutship hulk found in the Rigel asteroid belt, it cannot be found in any spacecraft registry.

Phineass has outfitted his ship with hacking and comm gear that can detect, intercept and decode just about any comm signal known to minifigs. With all the electronic gear installed there is little room for anything else. The ship is un-armed and Phineass relies on the its powerful electronic jamming suite and upgraded sublight drives to stay out of trouble until he gets to the nearest jump-gate. Phineass has installed a limited capcity FTL drive that is good for only 2 pre-plotted jumps before it has to be overhauled for really dire emergencies.

It is rumored that Phineass is an ex-LCSA intelligence agency employee who still does work for the government. All government officals vigorously deny this rumor.

Brickshelf folder thirdEye

builders notes:

This moc started off as an exercise in how to use the JSF canopy in a SNOT manner and evolved into an a ship that is essentially entirely SNOT. Infact, I think I might have succeeded in having studs pointing in just about every direction. I’m especially pleased with how the cockpit turned out.

I also wanted this craft to have a zero-g, utilitarian look to it. It wasn’t until I had finished the sensor array greebles under the cockpit that I decided what this ship’s function really was.

hope you all enjoy, drc

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: ThirdEye electronic surveilance ship
(...) This ship rocks! I love the three-fold symmetry and all the greebling. Nice detailing on the cockpit too. (...) That canopy is great because it forces people to think of unique ways to use it. I can't think of a ship using that canopy that I (...) (21 years ago, 17-Dec-03, to, FTX)
  Re: ThirdEye electronic surveilance ship
(...) This ship looks great. I love snot work that goes every which way but still looks good. Nice Job. -Steve McDonough (21 years ago, 17-Dec-03, to, FTX)
  Re: ThirdEye electronic surveilance ship
Hey, Caught this on brickshelf a while back. Excellently cool. I really like the design on the canopy (except fer the 2 colors of glass :-) ) and the snot there. The triple action engine snot on the back is awesome. Good greeblies too. You built (...) (21 years ago, 18-Dec-03, to, FTX)

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