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Abston Church of Christ
Newsgroups:,,, lugnet.announce.moc
Sun, 24 Mar 2002 11:51:40 GMT
!! (details)
427 times
Conceived 20 months ago and a year under construction, the Abston Church of
Christ is now complete...


Message has 20 Replies:
  Re: Abston Church of Christ
(...) That is amazing!! I can believe it toke 20 months!!! All that glass, it must cost a fortune. Also, i thank you for sharing those wonderfull pictures of "Precious". I know you will always remember her, and carry her in your heart. Thank you. (...) (23 years ago, 24-Mar-02, to
  Re: Abston Church of Christ
I like the guests picture! Especialy John Neal... Every time I read about your cat, I wonder what I'm gonna do when my cat is gone. It must feel odd not to have her (or him??) around anymore. Its cool how the cats really get into the Lego's. Josh (23 years ago, 24-Mar-02, to
  Re: Abston Church of Christ
(...) Whoa! It must have taken a while to get all of those glass panes and bricks. I can't believe that it took twenty months to assemble the whole thing. Just a small question here. What are the dimensions of the church? (lxwxh) Just my two (...) (23 years ago, 24-Mar-02, to
  Re: Abston Church of Christ
(...) WOW! I can't not comment on this model. It amazes me beyond words. The amount of brick, the length of time spent building, and level of detail put into it is simply amazing. And I love your technique of using 6xn plates for structural supports (...) (23 years ago, 24-Mar-02, to
  RE: Abston Church of Christ
(...) their construction to work on it, let alone use a ladder. The lighting created by all the glass and the recurring, almost fractal themes inside the church make it a delight to examine all the photos. Is the church based on any real-life (...) (23 years ago, 24-Mar-02, to
  Re: Abston Church of Christ
(...) Looks great Amy. Wonderful construction techniques everywhere. I think the Narthex is particularly impressive. Also, I like how the Jesus on the cross has a stud on his head. Cute. (...) I hope I get a chance to see it in person before it (...) (23 years ago, 24-Mar-02, to
  Re: Abston Church of Christ
(...) And how! Amy, when you posted your updates of the church construction over the past year, I had no idea the final result would be this stunning! You have created the most impressive LEGO building outside of miniland that I have ever seen. The (...) (23 years ago, 25-Mar-02, to
  Re: Abston Church of Christ
(...) Well done Amy. I don't see that anyone else has mentioned it - but beyond the building - excellent as it is - I very much appreciated the atmosphere you added to the project. In particular, I was very impressed by the sermon you included. (...) (23 years ago, 25-Mar-02, to
  Re: Abston Church of Christ
Everything about this project is amazing! Not only is the MOC beyond words, your photographs and web presentation are top notch! Fantastic job! David Kohrman Lugnet # 1117 (23 years ago, 25-Mar-02, to
  Re: Abston Church of Christ
(...) able to put in that much detail! The mosaics, organ, pews, stairs, baptistry ... everything is exactly as it should be. Truly amazing. Wow. --Bill. (23 years ago, 25-Mar-02, to
  Re: Abston Church of Christ
Amy & All, (...) This is probably my favorite LEGO creations I have ever seen since I went online with the LEGO community back in 1997 or so. Amy, you have done an astounding job with this, and it is so incredible to finally having the pleasure to (...) (23 years ago, 25-Mar-02, to
  Re: Abston Church of Christ
(...) That is incredible beyond words!!!!! I just cannot believe it. You are good. Very, very good! :-) (23 years ago, 25-Mar-02, to
  Re: Abston Church of Christ
Amy, You have created a masterpiece which captures one thing that most Lego church MOC's have failed to include, The Lord. Most people have built thier towns to include a church but have never learned why a Church is a crucial element in every town, (...) (23 years ago, 25-Mar-02, to
  Re: Abston Church of Christ
Excellent <Mr. Burns taps his fingers> The shear size of it is wow, to say the least. That is by far the largest MOC (by sq. foot) I think I've seen. Very impressive, and it doesn't look like a big box. <g> Lovely work, my many hats of various (...) (23 years ago, 25-Mar-02, to
  Re: Abston Church of Christ
Wow! Congrats...time and pieces well spent. I especially like the mosaics, those are really cool. The way the windows allow natural light to pass through really brings out the interior detail as well. The sheer size and detail of the church almost (...) (23 years ago, 25-Mar-02, to
  Re: Abston Church of Christ
Amy, Truly fantastic! I am inspired by your work and will now strive to build a church of my own. onedaycnn (sid) (URL) (23 years ago, 26-Mar-02, to
  Re: Abston Church of Christ
Amy, Truly fantastic! I am inspired by your work and will now strive to build a church of my own. onedaycnn (sid) (URL) (23 years ago, 26-Mar-02, to  
  Re: Abston Church of Christ
(...) Only one word to say...astonishing. With a church that beautiful, you would think they would get a full house! Maybe that was the evening service... Aaron Dalan (23 years ago, 28-Mar-02, to
  Re: Abston Church of Christ
That is simply fantastic. You should be very proud. You are a great builder. Thank you for building this wonderful work. I really really like it. Wow! There is so much to see and enjoy. Just fantastic. Many great desing features. Legomaster (...) (23 years ago, 16-Apr-02, to
  Re: Abston Church of Christ
(...) ROSCO (23 years ago, 16-Apr-02, to

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