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New webmaster
lugnet.announce, lugnet.people, lugnet.general
Wed, 22 Aug 2007 19:03:57 GMT
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25509 times
I guess it’s no secret, but I haven’t exactly spread it around the AFOL world quite yet. So it’s time - more than time - to announce that I’ve taken a position with The LEGO Group. My new role is Internet Content Manager for BIONICLE, Racers, and Technic product lines.

This is the second time I’ve gone up for the job, the first interview was chronicled in BrickJournal issue 4 ( It took an extra year and a half, but I finally managed to schmooze my way in.

I started in Denmark last week, and I’ll be doing a significant amount of travelling. The job itself is very nifty and busy, but I’m enjoying every minute. I’d better, since it’s a finite contract - I’m filling in for the previous webmaster (webmistress, really) who’s on maternity leave. So I’ll be bouncing back and forth for the rest of 2007 and all of 2008.

I suppose I could post this as an ‘official’ LEGO announcement, but frankly I haven’t managed to have The Talk about community interaction with the right people within LEGO yet. So I’m posting this as Kelly McKiernan, Private Citizen, not to be confused with an official LEGO communication. I don’t know yet if the LEGO logo will appear on this post - it’s not supposed to. If it does, please disregard it.

For the record, I’ve resigned from my admin position at BZPower to avoid any potential conflict of interest. I will continue to run LEGOFan (and since one of my desks is about 5 feet from Jan Beyer, that should now be much easier) and ILENN - inasmuch as the latter needs running.

Just thought a few of you would like to know.

Kelly McKiernan

Message has 5 Replies:
  Re: New webmaster
(...) ( snip... ) (...) Hey, congratulations. I was wondering about though - every time I've been to that site it's just one page with the names of the current ambassadors on it. Is there some other content on that site I'm not aware of, (...) (17 years ago, 22-Aug-07, to lugnet.general, FTX)  
  Re: New webmaster
(...) Congratulations, Kelly, and good luck!! (17 years ago, 22-Aug-07, to lugnet.general, FTX)
  Re: New webmaster
(...) Over a year maternity leave? I'm moving to Denmark (and changing sex!) congratulations Tim (17 years ago, 29-Aug-07, to lugnet.general, FTX)
  Re: New webmaster
(...) Very cool Kelly, congrats! Hope you enjoy your term. Janey "Red Brick" (17 years ago, 31-Aug-07, to lugnet.general, FTX)
  Re: New webmaster
(...) It will show up at any time you use a adress. (...) So see you in Skaerbaek next week? Leg Godt! -René (17 years ago, 18-Sep-07, to lugnet.general, FTX)

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