| | Frozen sort of Caption Contest Matthew J. Chiles
| | (URL) Hey, think up a good caption for this pic I took in the freezing fog a couple days ago. The best I hear by December 25th will get a prize - this guy mailed to them (as soon as the snow melts and I can find him again). Good luck! -Matt :) (19 years ago, 20-Dec-05, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.fun, lugnet.general, lugnet.build.minifigs, FTX) !!
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| |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest Harri Manni
| | | | Too obvious? :) (URL) (19 years ago, 20-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX)
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| |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest (4 entries) John Neal
| | | | (3 URLs) (19 years ago, 20-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX)
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| |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest Suzanne Rich Green
| | | | (URL) (19 years ago, 21-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX)
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| |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest Timothy Gould
| | | | (...) (URL) This entry is intended as a metaphorical representation of the cold exclusion of :e: from the warm, embracing community. Please remember to be nice people. Tim (19 years ago, 21-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX) !!
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| | | |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest Timothy Gould
| | | | | (...) Dear all, Sorry to reply to my own post but it has been brought to my attention that this caption didn't come across quite as I intended. It is not meant to be a direct attack on Eric but more a comment/attack on the whole situation. Eric, I'm (...) (19 years ago, 21-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX)
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| | | | |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest Eric Sophie
| | | | | (...) Good morning Tim, no harm done. When I read it I was inspired to make my own entry. Really I thought it was kind of you to point out, even metaphorically, some of the trouble I have with other Lego fans. Still thank you for the clarification. (...) (19 years ago, 21-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun)
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| |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest Michael Dallaston
| | | | (...) (URL) Michael (19 years ago, 21-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX)
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| |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest Thomas Stangl
| | | | "#$()&*@ weatherman! So much for partly sunny!" (...) (19 years ago, 21-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun)
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| |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest Jeremy Rear
| | | | (URL) This is too cool Matt. :-) -jer Greater Portland LEGO Railroaders Visit: (URL) gplr> (19 years ago, 21-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX)
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| |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest C. L. GunningCook
| | | | In lugnet.announce, Matthew J. Chiles wrote: Okay, seriously, not only am I really "dating" myself here, but have been watching entirely too many old holiday shows with my son. (URL) Janey "Red Brick" (19 years ago, 21-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX)
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| |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest Stefan Garcia
| | | | (URL) I would've put in a canuck flagpost, but it seemed like cheating. (URL) My other entry on behalf of Soren on behalf of Calvin and Hobbes. -Stefan- (19 years ago, 21-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX)
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| |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest Chris Orchard
| | | | (URL) (19 years ago, 21-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX)
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| |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest Eric Sophie
| | | | (URL) e (19 years ago, 21-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX)
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| |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest Soren Roberts
| | | | (URL) Soren (19 years ago, 21-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX)
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| |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest Jack Hawk
| | | | (URL) (19 years ago, 21-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX)
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| |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest Allister McLaren
| | | | (URL) (19 years ago, 21-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX)
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| |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest Adrian Egli
| | | | (URL) Adr. (19 years ago, 21-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX)
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| |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest Allan Bedford
| | | | For all the Looney Tunes fans out there: (URL) AB (19 years ago, 21-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX)
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| |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest Mark de Kock
| | | | They promised me Global Warming... (...) (19 years ago, 21-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX)
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| |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest Tom McDonald
| | | | (...) "I got your Ice Planet right here." -Tom McD. (19 years ago, 21-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX)
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| |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest Matt Bohlmann
| | | | (URL) Matt (19 years ago, 22-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX)
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| |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest Jean-Marc Détraz
| | | | (URL) Karen (Jean-Marc's wife) (19 years ago, 22-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX)
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| |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest Alfred Speredelozzi
| | | | (...) Snow cones! Get your snow cones! (19 years ago, 22-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX)
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| |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest Russell Clark
| | | | Good Grief! I'm gonna freeze my stud off! (...) Russell BayLUG (19 years ago, 22-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX)
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| |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest Suzanne Rich Green
| | | | In lugnet.announce, Matthew J. Chiles wrote: [pic] (...) Hey Matt, it looks like he/she has an icepick in their right hand, but what's in their left? ...or is it better we don't know? -Suz p.s. I love the "Ice Planet" and "wind spitting" caps!!! (19 years ago, 23-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun)
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| | | |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest Matthew J. Chiles
| | | | | (...) Hi Suz- Just some Binoculars in the left hand... nothing too exciting. (...) Yeah, there are several really good ones - It is going to be tough to decide so I may need to have my wife and kids help judge. It is not too late to get your entry (...) (19 years ago, 24-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun)
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| |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest Don Heyse
| | | | (URL) Hmmm, should I x-post this to .off-topic.off-color? (19 years ago, 23-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX)
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| |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest C. L. GunningCook
| | | | (...) Posted on behalf of Gregory Schubert (who doesn't have his membership finalized yet.) (URL) (19 years ago, 24-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX)
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| |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest Jeff Stembel
| | | | Posting on behalf of Adam Silcott, who is having posting problems today: I thought of a few, and couldn't decide on one, so here they are: (6 URLs) And last, as well as least: (URL) And to answer the inevitable question about that one, here is a (...) (19 years ago, 25-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX)
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| |  | | Re: Frozen sort of Caption Contest Manfred Moolhuysen
| | | | - My Log-brick and -Panel cabin is warm and cosy - Part #6126 flames are burning high in the fireplace - I've invited the Ice Babe Man, I simply love this season! (19 years ago, 26-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX)
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| |  | | Frozen Contest Winner! Matthew J. Chiles
| | | | (...) OK, time to annouce a winner. Sorry for the delay in getting the annoucement out since the contest officially ended Sunday at midnight. There were a ton of fantastic entries, so it was very difficult choosing a winner. Several times as I (...) (19 years ago, 27-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX) !
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| | | |  | | Re: Frozen Contest Winner! Don Heyse
| | | | (...) Ooh, sorry about the cussing. I'm just a bit inexperienced with the whole captioning thing. Perhaps I shoulda used the standard comic trick and replaced the offensive word with *$%@#!! Would that've done the trick? Anyhow, I'd like to thank (...) (19 years ago, 29-Dec-05, to lugnet.fun, FTX)
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