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 Animation / 612
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Re: Unfinished Project Release
Sat, 3 Jan 2004 13:23:31 GMT
5713 times
At 05:17 PM 1/2/2004, you wrote:
Animating with POVray is a matter of mathematics,

Which I'm not good at, which is why I had trouble. :)

but animating Ldraw-generated things is pure horror. You have to analyse
the source file
to locate the different objects, you have to find out where the pivots are
(which is not easy, since the auto-generated POV files use counterintuitive
Matrix transforms rather than separate rotations and translations).

That is, if you try to use the clock on the LDraw-generated file. If you're
just rendering a new file for every frame there's no pain. I agree with
you, though, on the difficulty of interpreting the translated file. Maybe
it's time for a few of us to take the L3P source and build an Animator's

I don't know anything about putting together a program but I know a thing
or two (or three) about PoV-Ray. I'm willing to learn what needs to be
learnt (as far as pov stuff goes) if someone else is willing to write the
program to use it.

The solution seems to be LD4D Modeler, but that program is far from
ready for
general use, and the documentation is lacking. See

I found that a while ago but mostly due to the lack of documentation and
the general bugginess I had to quit using it. I just found it very clumsy
and it wasn't clear what to do to produce your animation. I still have it
installed but it could use some work.

One good reason to support the GPL. :)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Unfinished Project Release
Animating with POVray is a matter of mathematics, but animating Ldraw-generated things is pure horror. You have to analyse the source file to locate the different objects, you have to find out where the pivots are (which is not easy, since the (...) (21 years ago, 2-Jan-04, to lugnet.animation)

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