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 Animation / 181
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Re: Yay!
Mon, 26 Feb 2001 22:23:43 GMT
3973 times
Hi Jason.  I also have a copy of Premiere for the PC and have added a few
comments to Payton's below:

In lugnet.publish.cinema, Payton Ware writes:

In short, "Jason" <> wrote in message

* Does it have the OPTION to do captures via USB?


Although, it does support the Microsoft Video Capture drivers, which support
USB cameras, so you can capture USB right out of the box. (i.e. you can
capture video from the LEGO cam).  My favorite features are the time-lapse
and stop-motion capture modes.

* Can you draw right on the frames?

Not with Premiere. This requiers a program with more special effects

You can, however, export any clip as a sequence of frames in several formats
(TIFF, filmstrip, etc.) and then edit them in any standard paint program or
image software such as Photoshop, and then re-import the frames as a clip.

* Does it compress the final video well?  Without loss of quality?

Well, since I'm editing on DV, I haven't done any compressing, so I'm not
sure. It comes with a software called Cleaner, that will export for web and
will automatically create staggered quality files in Quicktime or Windows
Media, (i.e. 28.8k, 56k, ISDN, LAN) and offers lots of options. The quality
is low, but he, it's for the Web.

You basically have limitless options when it comes to exporting video.
Premiere supports the standard video codec api's, so you can export your
movie using any codec that is compatible with this api.  Most codecs let you
choose things like the color depth, amount of compression, frame size, etc.

- andrew

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Yay!
(...) <lots of great info snipped> Well now. Very interesting. I might have to break down and but it after all. But something that could do special effects would be much better. What is After Effects, Payton? Jason (24 years ago, 27-Feb-01, to lugnet.animation)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Yay!
In short, "Jason" <> wrote in message (...) Mine is for PC. (...) Yes. It can do blue/green screen key, or chroma key, or color removal. It does not offer as muc control as say, After Affects, but (...) (24 years ago, 26-Feb-01, to lugnet.animation)

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