| | Re: LEGO Star Wars Anniversary Set - Help Decide
Further to the idea of doing a Darth Vader sculpture, it could be improved even further by adding a brick with a button on it (similar to the T-Rex Roar brick from the R/C T-Rex and the motorcycle engine rev brick from the motorcycle) that when (...) (17 years ago, 28-Jan-08, to lugnet.ambassadors)
| | Re: LEGO Star Wars Anniversary Set - Help Decide
(...) A 9 volt train which has technic wheels and new track geometry with wider radius curves in original dark grey. Oh and you better put Boba Fett as an engineer with 200 storm troopers in the coaches. (17 years ago, 28-Jan-08, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
| | Re: Queen Amidala's royal starship in CHROME
(...) Thanks, John! I hope God or TLG or whoever is listening! My reasons are selfish on this one, as I just LOVE chrome and don't want to see it fade away entirely! The SE Naboo Starfighter was just so rockingly awesome snazzy-bad with all its (...) (17 years ago, 27-Jan-08, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
| | Re: Queen Amidala's royal starship in CHROME
(...) BING BING BING!!! We have a winner. Thank you all for playing; from Dave's mouth to God's ears to the guy at TLG who is pulling the strings on this decision! JOHN (17 years ago, 27-Jan-08, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
| | Queen Amidala's royal starship in CHROME
Many Star Wars fans have been clamoring for a Queen Amidala mini-fig in one of her royal outfits for years. This would be an opportunity to make that happen. I think an all-chrome exterior ship would be great as a way of letting fans know that this (...) (17 years ago, 27-Jan-08, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)