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 Adventurers / 36
    Re: Favorite Adventurers vehicles (Re: 4x2ReVu: 5909) —Mark Lindsey
   In lugnet.adventurers, Mark Lindsey writes: Attention everyone: (...) Let me hear some facts, opinions, and ideas fellow Adventurers. (25 years ago, 6-Oct-99, to lugnet.adventurers)
        Re: Favorite Adventurers vehicles (Re: 4x2ReVu: 5909) —James Brown
   (...) the (...) I haven't heard anything, but I'm fairly certain that the rumours about the artic line are based on the fact that the Adventurer's Club attraction at LL:Carlsbad has three portions: Amazon, Egyptian, and Artic. James (URL) (25 years ago, 6-Oct-99, to lugnet.adventurers)

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