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 Adventurers / 132
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Brother can you spare a scan?
Tue, 19 Oct 1999 17:59:52 GMT
1360 times
Hey fellow Adventurer enthusiasts I wanted to ask for some assistance in
making Christian's Adventurer site more complete.  He has a great site that
among other things includes a hilarious who's-who guide to the Adventurers
team.  He has scans of all of the characters taken from the instruction books
(you know the ones they put at the beginning to show how to assemble the
minifigs?) but he is short one.  He needs the picture of Gabarro the sailor to
round out the section so if anyone can send him a scan that would be really
cool.  If nothing else go see the who's-who section for a good laugh. The URL
Check it out and help Christiann if you can.

Adventure on,
Mark L

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Brother can you spare a scan?
I have most Adventurers sets. In what set is the missing mini-fig from? Grahame Reid (...) (25 years ago, 19-Oct-99, to lugnet.adventurers)

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