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Re: Problems contacting me ?
Newsgroups:, lugnet.admin.nntp
Wed, 7 Feb 2001 04:29:18 GMT
54 times
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
Also, what is FUT?


So to explain a bit better... we seem to have a current defacto system in
which the initial "hey is X there" sort of posts (or in this case "I am X
but I heard that no one can reach me") go to whatever group or groups that
X, or in this case, those that want to reach X, seems to hang out in.

So far so good.

Where the system generates noise is in the followups. Those followups ought
to go somewhere else. The inital posts ought to stay right where they seem
to make the best sense to reach the desired target.

Hmm, I could put a sort of "what is this?" or "help" link beneath or next to
the Followup-To box on the posting page...might help educate people on what
the heck that funny-named field does, and have it go to /help/news/followup-to
with a description and a tiny bit of NNTP & Usenet history.  Whaddya think?


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Problems contacting me ?
(...) Whoops, I was a bit too terse. What I am suggesting was that the followup posts go to off-topic.test, not the initial. (...) FollowUpTo So to explain a bit better... we seem to have a current defacto system in which the initial "hey is X (...) (24 years ago, 7-Feb-01, to

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