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Re: Why these news groups were created
Tue, 21 Sep 2004 03:18:01 GMT
7264 times
In lugnet.admin.nntp, David Koudys wrote:
In lugnet.admin.nntp, Lee Meyer wrote: • [SNIP]

That right Dave, only one group us getting attention - nobody asked people their
opinions or requested the other seven.

'Leave it alone/Life goes on/get over it.' - you libs (ie your West Wing
marathon clues me in on this) really like to take this position when you've
gotten what you want, otherwise you'd be crying how unfair and what an uncaring,
hateful place LUGNET is for not creating a 'safe space'...  You guys don't get
over it when you don't get what you want, but when you get what you want, you
want eveyone else to just live with it.

Well, if Todd didn't implement the group, and there was an uproar about that,
I'd chime in and say *exactly* the same thing.  But you don't know that about
me.(1)  It's Todd's backyard--if he says that the group gets added, the decision
is made and it's time to see what happens.  Hence stop yammering about it.

It's much like the quote from an unmentioned show--"The avalanche has
started--it's too late for the pebbles to vote..."

Dave K
Who isn't just a liberal Canadian who likes The West Wing, he's a *socialist*

1- Note the almost inherent dichotomy--check out my e-mail address.  I don't
believe there's a dichotomy, but many others can't beleive that I have my
beliefs and also went to Redeemer for 4ish years.  Ahh, like a woman, I'm a

Like you really have to point out to anyone you're a socialist.  I figured that
out already from the way you're telling everyone to sit down, shut up and live
with it.  And apparently you don't read my posts to thoroughly - my last post I
wasn't debating anything about the new groups (hint: read first sentence)....

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Why these news groups were created
(...) I can't see the direct link between socialism and 'telling everyone to sit down, shut up and live', sureley thats just a measure of intolerance, not how left or right you are. ( I will admit that those at the far right and the far left tend to (...) (20 years ago, 21-Sep-04, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Why these news groups were created
(...) Well, if Todd didn't implement the group, and there was an uproar about that, I'd chime in and say *exactly* the same thing. But you don't know that about me.(1) It's Todd's backyard--if he says that the group gets added, the decision is made (...) (20 years ago, 20-Sep-04, to lugnet.admin.nntp)

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