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Re: Message awaiting authentication
lugnet.faq, lugnet.admin.suggestions, lugnet.admin.nntp
Wed, 26 Nov 2003 16:05:26 GMT
23 times
I don't want to use the web client.  It's clunky.

With NNTP, I can read posts offline, choose my NNTP client (thus finding a
UI that is right for me), etc.

Thanks for the info though.  Now I know that throwing $10 at lugnet won't
fix the problem.

I skimmed the discussions below.

I also know that Lugnet members have a username and password.  One would
wonder then why the NNTP service simply doesn't require a user to login?

I know this can be done, because I operate one such NNTP server and it keeps
the Spam and bad people out, and also doesn't require cumbersome "approval"
messages for every post.

"Cary Clark" <> wrote in message
In lugnet.faq, Neb Okla wrote:
How do I eliminate the need to approve each NNTP post to Lugnet?

There's no way to do this. There's quite a bit written up about the • technical
details. If you're interested, try one of these threads:

Or search for 'authentication' in the admin news groups.

If you want to avoid the approval email, join LUGNET, and paste your • message
into the web page for posting. That's what I do.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Message awaiting authentication
(...) There's no way to do this. There's quite a bit written up about the technical details. If you're interested, try one of these threads: (URL) search for 'authentication' in the admin news groups. If you want to avoid the approval email, join (...) (21 years ago, 26-Nov-03, to lugnet.faq)

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