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Re: Possible New Group?
lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.general
Mon, 30 Jul 2001 17:58:22 GMT
915 times
In lugnet.admin.general, Shaun Sullivan writes:
In lugnet.admin.general, Geordan Hankinson writes:
Hey hey, what did people think of this idea? Or am I the only person who
digs military lego/stuff etc. Any thoughts?

In lugnet.admin.general, Geordan Ballantree writes:
I was wondering if there could be a new newsgroup added for discusions about
military topics and such. As far as I know, us military fans don't really
have anywhere to post new models/ideas/discussions to except .build, or
.space if it's futristic.

I like the idea as well ... I'm always a little hesitant in posting my latest
WWII MOC to .build, wondering if many people there are really interested in it
or not.  There probably is a fair bit of interest out there, though, to judge
by the planes and tanks one sees, and the fact that some of Carl Greatrix's
pages are very high on the Brickshelf most popular hierarchy.

My guess is that is would probably make the most sense as a subgroup under
.build, much like .build.mecha.  .build.military, perhaps?


Amen! Anyone else with thoughts or ideas? I think I'd be game to be curator
for the group although I don't know entirely what the job would require. I
think a military group would be very fitting for this forum.




Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Possible New Group?
(...) I like it. ANyone have a list of military-themed links to start the group off with? Cheers, - jsproat (24 years ago, 30-Jul-01, to lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.general)
  Re: Possible New Group?
I'd definitely like to see a build.military group. Chris Churchill (...) (24 years ago, 30-Jul-01, to lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Possible New Group?
(...) I like the idea as well ... I'm always a little hesitant in posting my latest WWII MOC to .build, wondering if many people there are really interested in it or not. There probably is a fair bit of interest out there, though, to judge by the (...) (24 years ago, 30-Jul-01, to lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.general)

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