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Re: Maybe "Dear Lego" sub groups would help
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 18:29:53 GMT
480 times
.dear-lego.complaints (maybe add into rants)
.dear-lego.sales (since S@H is changing)
.dear-lego.suggestions (can be used for website suggestions)

Todd Lehman wrote:

In lugnet.admin.general, John Morgan writes:
I have been watching the general chaos that has followed our Friend Brad's
announcement. While I honor everyone's choice to express thier own ideas,
be they ill informed emotional off balance Lego bashing, or more concise,
to the point, and actually constructive, I think we ( LUGNET community)
could help Brad( or whomever Lego Staff has given the dubious honor of
reading our posts) if we added some sub catagories to "Dear Lego". Brad
pretty much named them in his post. What do you like? what do you hate?
what would you like to see? what irrational ranting would you like to spew?
ummm I added that one <grin>

Anyway, my point is this , Lego has reached out and said"we are listening".
If we can work out a way that what they are listening to has an order of
some type, rather than having to go thru all the 'Dear Lego" messages and
sort them,I think we Both( Lego and AFOL) could win here. I have seen a
couple of attempts to get this type of  flow going and it,s possible these
sub groups would help clarify our ideas.
What do ya think ?

Ya, let's brainstorm some subgroup names...  I'll start by naming a few that
come to mind...

(the idea here being to name as many as possible, then whittle that down to
a reasonbly-sized list, maybe 3-7 subgroups or something like that...)


| Tom Stangl, Technical Support          Netscape Communications Corp
|      Please do not associate my personal views with my employer

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Maybe "Dear Lego" sub groups would help
(...) Ya, let's brainstorm some subgroup names... I'll start by naming a few that come to mind... .dear-lego.dislike(s) .dear-lego.wish(es) .dear-lego.rant .dear-lego.complaint(s) .dear-lego.problem(s) .dear-lego.thanks (...) (25 years ago, 20-Dec-99, to lugnet.admin.general)  

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