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Re: sets4sale
Wed, 1 Sep 1999 12:46:32 GMT
255 times
Benjamin Whytcross <> wrote:
Wouldn't it be better if there was a listing for auctions/sales being run on
e-bay and the like, and another where people can sell stuff themselves either
through a description of the items they are selling, or a link to their
web-page. eg commercial[e-bay] and private trading posts.

Define "and the like".  Would that include even
though it's run by a fellow AFOL?  What about free auction sites like
Yahoo! that also happen to be owned by commercial entities?  What
about free auction sites like my BRICKS site?

It's not like there are 200 posts to .auction every day.  I think
creating a group just to segregate one type of auction listing from
another is a little silly.  I find some of the 100+ line "personal"
listings that get posted 2-3 times a day much more annoying than an
every-other-day 10 line listing of eBay auctions.

This would make it a lot easier to read through the auctions listings, and save
people from having to try and filter out all the e-bay auctions anouncements if
they don't wish to bid on them/have no intrest in them.

Most regular eBay sellers put the word eBay in their subject.  That's
not filter enough?  Or should people be protected from even knowing
that there are messages with eBay auctions listed in them?

[As you may have guessed, I'm against e-bay auctions anouncements on this site,
as I believe that most of the postings are not from collectors, but from
'investors' who are only after money, and are using this site as a free
advertising agency, although I may be wrong.]

You are wrong.  No need to get into the "mostly ignorant people have a
serious mad-on for eBay" argument here, though.  Just take my word for
it - lots of very respectable AFOLs use eBay.

Now I personally hope they start using my BRICKS site, but that's just
because I'd rather them save their money.

The parts you want and nothing else? - Just Another Brick Auction
Why pay eBay? Run your own LEGO auctions for free!

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: sets4sale
Wouldn't it be better if there was a listing for auctions/sales being run on e-bay and the like, and another where people can sell stuff themselves either through a description of the items they are selling, or a link to their web-page. eg (...) (25 years ago, 1-Sep-99, to lugnet.admin.general)

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