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 Administrative / General / 14124
    Re: LUGNET is moving servers once more —Gereon "Jerry" Stein
   (...) Hi Marco, you are right, is not part of LUGNET as such although of course the sites have been connected for a long time now. There appears to be a general problem with icons/thumbnail images display on Peeron at the moment - I shall (...) (4 years ago, 1-Nov-20, to lugnet.admin.general)
        Re: LUGNET is moving servers once more —marco molina
     (...) Hi jerry then please let me know as soon as u can get a hold on the admin or team of peeron maby the problem was there for a weeks and no one ever seen it . i hope they can fix it i wrote as mentioned to but e mail kept (...) (4 years ago, 1-Nov-20, to lugnet.admin.general)
        Re: LUGNET is moving servers once more —marco molina
     (...) Hi jerry then please let me know as soon as u can get a hold on the admin or team of peeron maby the problem was there for a weeks and no one ever seen it . i hope they can fix it i wrote as mentioned to but e mail kept (...) (4 years ago, 1-Nov-20, to lugnet.admin.general)
        Re: LUGNET is moving servers once more —marco molina
     HI JERRY HAVE YOU HEARD FROM PERRON team YET THE SITE THAT UPLOADED SCANS I CHECKED AGAIN AND THE scans of the lego instructions are still not shows if u did hedard from them let me know thankd (4 years ago, 13-Nov-20, to lugnet.admin.general)
         Re: LUGNET is moving servers once more —marco molina
      (...) (4 years ago, 13-Nov-20, to lugnet.admin.general)
         Re: LUGNET is moving servers once more —marco molina
     (...) (4 years ago, 13-Nov-20, to lugnet.admin.general)
         Re: LUGNET is moving servers once more —Gereon "Jerry" Stein
     (...) Hi Marco, I am sorry but I have not heard back yet. I have been told that getting a response may take some time nowadays as the admins probably cannot dedicate as much time to maintaining the site as they used to. I will let you know once I (...) (4 years ago, 15-Nov-20, to lugnet.admin.general)
        Re: LUGNET is moving servers once more —marco molina
   HI JERRY HAVE YOU HEARD FROM PERRON team YET THE SITE THAT UPLOADED SCANS I CHECKED AGAIN AND THE scans of the lego instructions are still not shows if u did hedard from them let me know thankd (4 years ago, 13-Nov-20, to lugnet.admin.general)

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