Re: Technic sidebar thingie
Tue, 20 Feb 2007 19:56:28 GMT
10249 times
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In lugnet.admin.general, Kelly McKiernan wrote:
> I understand your reluctance to pursue administrative repurcussions in this
> latest flare-up. Unfortunately, perception of administrative bias is as damaging
> as actual bias. A lack of administrative response to what many (including
> myself) perceive to be an improper use of administrative privileges implicitly
> condones the behavior. In essence, allowing Ross' actions without reprimand
> plants a seed in many minds that says it's OK to pick on people if you're a
> staff member. Or if you think a staff member would approve of such behavior.
> I remain concerned the core issue hasn't been resolved. After witnessing (and
> being involved in) several of these recurring squabbles, I have a tough time
> relying on the innate goodness of human nature to play well with others. Lugnet
> remains the home of button pushers, and of people with buttons, and as long as
> the pushers can keep punching those buttons without consequence, I have no
> reason to think they'll change their behavior in the long run.
> - Kelly
I strongly agree with Kelly's response above. The role of administrator is a
priveledge that should be bestowed upon trustworthy and honorable people. The
priveledge should be revoked if used outside of the purvue of responsible
administrative duties.
Furthermore, I believe that not only the button pushers, but also those with
overly-sensitive buttons are responsible for the less than friendly current
environment on LUGNET.
I encourage and stand behind the administration in the use of consequences for
unsportsman-like behavior.
And I would like to encourage the Buttons and the Pushers to grow up a bit, keep
your nasty words to yourself, don't over-react and cry foul at the slightest
insult. Only you can decide how you react to an insult.
Aaron Sneary
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Technic sidebar thingie
| In lugnet.admin.general, Rene Hoffmeister wrote: - snip - (...) Rene, I understand your reluctance to pursue administrative repurcussions in this latest flare-up. Unfortunately, perception of administrative bias is as damaging as actual bias. A lack (...) (18 years ago, 19-Feb-07, to lugnet.admin.general) !!
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