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 Administrative / General / 11717
11716  |  11718
Re: Apply skip filter settings to searches.
Wed, 7 Jul 2004 22:41:39 GMT
926 times
In lugnet.admin.general, Don Heyse wrote:

   Well, most of the time you get two choices for news search, just not at the top level. How about giving us two choices at the top level as well? “News” would be everything we get now, minus .debate. “News (Everything)” could be what we get now, including the kitchen sink and the sewer.

The “sewer”? That seems pejorative. You may no longer like debate but why cast aspersions?

I could just as easily argue that I want .bionicle filtered out when searching at the top level as .debate with about as much validity. I think any hard coded solution may not be ideal, it will make some happy and some unhappy.

Plus, while it’s an interesting problem to solve, is it as important to the overall health of LUGNET as, say, enabling users to reset their own passwords?

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Apply skip filter settings to searches.
(...) Why not? The folks in .debate cast aspersions all the time. (...) Maybe so, but bionicle isn't under off-topic, and isn't included in the default skip filters. Try the "animal" search youself. Imagine you're 8, searching for animal building (...) (21 years ago, 8-Jul-04, to lugnet.admin.general, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Apply skip filter settings to searches.
(...) Well, most of the time you get two choices for news search, just not at the top level. How about giving us two choices at the top level as well? "News" would be everything we get now, minus .debate. "News (Everything)" could be what we get (...) (21 years ago, 7-Jul-04, to lugnet.admin.general, FTX)

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