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  *527363 (-5)
e finalmente è arrivato anche in italia (URL) non lo abbiamo preso a Monaco a 12,99 ? ciao Cristian (19 years ago, 2-May-06, to
  Re: ISD in costruzione!
FINITO!!! Tra pezzi finiti sotto il divano, errori nel montaggio (eh sì, su 3000 pezzi qualcuno al posto sbagliato capita sempre), pezzi creduti mancanti ma poi semplicemente visti male sulle istruzioni, pezzi misteriosamente avanzati, qualche (...) (19 years ago, 2-May-06, to
  Re: NXT connectors and recepticles
(...) Hi Ben. Yes, we (HiTechnic) are busy researching this issue. As and when we uncover a viable source of supply, I'll be in a position to help. JB HiTechnic (19 years ago, 2-May-06, to lugnet.robotics)
  NXT connectors and recepticles
I have a question I'm hoping somebody from the NXT team can answer. According to the 'open source' press release: (URL) The schematics and configuration for the new NXT connectors will be released in August. My question is this - Since the (...) (19 years ago, 2-May-06, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: pics of 4896, and other new sets
(...) Yes, some very nice looking sets coming out! (...) The way I see it (another anti-bley person here) is if I'm gonna get a set just to display, then I'll just leave the bley in it. Either it's on the shelf or in its box - it won't get absorbed (...) (19 years ago, 2-May-06, to lugnet.general, lugnet.year.2006)

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