| | Re: Striscione: : ho chiesto una opinione professionale
(...) Questo mi piace, ma la bandiera la farei "retta", senza l'effetto sventolante:-))) (...) Questa è in assoluto il più carina, ma la bandiera al contrario,( come colori), non mi piace, potremmo farla tenere in modo naturale, che vada a finere (...) (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.org.it.itlug)
 | | Re: Striscione: altri due bozzetti
Versione con minifig a sinistra, bandiera in mano e logo sulla destra: (URL) Minifig "in marcia" che lascia le impronte, logo a destra e colori che riprendono la bandiera italiana: (URL) Ecco, un po' di altre idee su cui lavorare. Luca (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.org.it.itlug, FTX)
 | | Re: Striscione: : ho chiesto una opinione professionale
Forse Mauro ha ragione dicendo che i migliori risultati sono quelli meno "democratici": il voler unire i gusti di tutti porta ad un risultato largamente accettato ma non esteticamente coerente e/o eccellente. Comunque ho provato a fare di qualche (...) (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.org.it.itlug, FTX)
 | | My First few NXT MOCs
Hi Folks, It's been a while since I posted anything on LUGNET. I have been working on keeping my wife and life ready for our new baby. Which should be born in a day or so. Over the past couple of months I managed to grab a few moments and build (...) (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.cad, lugnet.org.us.texlug, lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic)
 | | Re: Yes, but what IS it????? [Pt. 3]
(...) That's what I thought at first. But now I think Rosco is on to something. ('Course, it may end up being that what he is on to is simply Jason's nerves....:-) JOHN BTW Ben: Ross has just completed one of the coolest Steam locos I've ever seen (...) (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
 | | Re: WW1 War Department 2 foot gauge Baldwin
(...) Yes:-) JOHN (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
 | | Re: NXT inventory
(...) I'm going to submit one to Peeron Real Soon Now... Philo (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.robotics)
 | | NXT inventory
Now that the NDA is lifted, does anyone have an inventory of the contents of the NXT? (preferably with pictures of any new elements) (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.robotics)
 | | Wasp Copter from Ghost in the Shell: SAC
Another one from GitS: SAC. I'm pretty pleased with how this turned out. (2 URLs) BS Gallery> (URL) Flikr> Crits and comments appreciated, Tim (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.space, lugnet.build.military, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX) !
 | | Re: The NXT NDA is relaxed...
(...) Indeed, I just published some NXT technic stuff (motors behavior, NXT cable hacking) on my site: (URL) to come... Enjoy! Philo (19 years ago, 1-May-06, to lugnet.robotics, lugnet.announce)