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  Re: Newswatch: Fifth Legoland Park in Kansas City area in 2009
(...) The glory of fast-passes fix that for the more popular rides such as SM ;) But the rides at LLCA move slowww...www. They have very low per-hour capacity that brings everything to a very slow crawl. And it is only worse when LLCA cuts down on (...) (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to,, lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.legoland)
  Re: Curatorship
(...) okay, you're on! thanks. -Suz (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to lugnet.vikings, lugnet.admin.curators)
  Re: A whole bunch of stuff
(...) Wow, you are rushed, or you caught Deboritis (your shift key was disabled). (...) Me too, looking forward to getting out of this small town, and seeing some Lego minded people... and I am packing the physical restraints since I heard we might (...) (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to
  Re: Newswatch: Fifth Legoland Park in Kansas City area in 2009
(...) Standing in line is not my idea of a fun vacation - especially with short attention span 4-12 year olds. If Legoland purposely cuts off attendance each day to insure small lines, charge a high gate fee, and can still make a profit, I think (...) (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to,, lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.legoland)
  Re: Newswatch: Fifth Legoland Park in Kansas City area in 2009
I think that a better spot in the midwest would be near the major population centers. That would be near the Great Lakes. I think an ideal location would be near Cedar Pointe Amusement Park near Sandusky Ohio on Lake Erie. It would be within a few (...) (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to,, lugnet.mediawatch)
  Re: Newswatch: Fifth Legoland Park in Kansas City area in 2009
(...) I think there is a good chance for it to succeed in the Kansas City area. If your target attendance is 1.4M a year (which the other 4 Legoland parks average), that is well within the realm of reason if you include everything within a day's (...) (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to,, lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.legoland)
  A whole bunch of stuff
all in one neat little post due to home renos and planning weddings and such, the only thing i can bring to the show next weekend is the go-carts and a few miscellaneous items (GBC anyone?) i am, however, really excited about the show and can't wait (...) (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to
  Re: New parts - missing stud2b and stud4b
(...) when i created the parts, i believe i intended to use stud2.dat just change the file reference to stud2 and stud4. ill look into the stud4a and stud2a on my computer, i have 1000's of unofficial parts and subparts here, when i made the part in (...) (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: Striscione: : ho chiesto una opinione professionale
(...) senza il logo LEGO (gioco di parole hihi) secondo me è molto bella pero' è vero che crea un certo legame mentale con l'azienda danese e rischia di creare confusione gia' ai giochi sforzeschi ci avevano preso per dipendenti LEGO (magari) e non (...) (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to
  Re: Question for a BrickJournal article.. JJMA
(...) for the record... 2001 Steve Bliss 2002 not awarded 2003 Jacob Sparre Andersen 2004 Lars C. Hassing 2005 Michael Lachmann Chris (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to lugnet.cad)

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