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  Star Wars Only Sales
Well, it just goes to show ya, I never expected to SW lego on sale so soon (KMart 15% off, Ames 20% off). And that is a sale exclusive to SW lego! (For a much better price I'd move some of that other stuff for them just for the pieces.) The fact (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to,
  Re: Upon Further Review...barrier answer
(...) Yeah, how did they do that, anyway?! They couldn't've fooled the battle droids -- they're immune to Jedi mind tricks, right? --Todd (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to lugnet.starwars)
  Re: Mindstorms Ogre
Where did you pick up the Tank Catapiller treads? I can't find those anywere. KGB AgEnT #4 OUT -- Did you check the web site first?: (URL) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: Ep1 peeves (Ep.1 Spoiler)
(...) d'Oh! Thanks for the correction! -- that makes a lot more sense now. Shame on me, and I even have the RotJ script book. :-( (...) Hmm, good call. Very odd. was OWK ever (in Ep4) supposed to have been a Jedi Master? Or was he still (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to lugnet.starwars)
  Re: No really - a rational discussion of people selling via eBay?
Mike Stanley wrote in message ... :>It is a weltanshaung. :Mmmmm.... a new word. German? Mike, your the classicist, right? Maybe I'm spelling it wrong. The word I want is German for what we usually call "world view" (but to me auf Deutch, it is more (...) (26 years ago, 25-May-99, to

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