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  *38235 (-5)
  Re: 1996 Polybags At SHV TRU
not really pitt related but the Wilkes-Barre TRU did the same thing. I think the Altoona TRU did the same thing also. Recently returning from a long trip... Chris Robert Brunskill wrote in message ... (...) as (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to,
  Re: Ep1 peeves (includes episode 2 spoiler-maybe)
(...) [SPOILERS/SPECULATION] : : : : : : I had to wonder how badly Shmi even really wanted to be freed. For some reason, she told Anakin not to look back, and he literally pushed him on his way when they finally parted. And the fact that she wears a (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to lugnet.starwars)
  Re: Train Windows service packs
I sent my letter in about three weeks ago. I think Larry is right, keep the request simple. Doors and windows are really the most sought after items. I did not suggest a ratio or any colors, I simply copied and pasted a picture of the door and (...) (26 years ago, 23-May-99, to lugnet.trains)
  IR Tower range
Can someone tell me what the effective range of the IR tower is? Also, is the IR beam emitted in a cone? I haven't purchased a Mindstorms set, but I'm interested in possibly using them for cooperative robotics projects. I pored through several old (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to lugnet.robotics)
  Collect comics? Buy them with Lego.
Hi all, I am selling my comic collection on eBay. As of the time of this note, I have about half of the 80 lots posted. On each item, I note that I would be interested in accpting payment in Lego in lieu of cash, and figured that I should mention it (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to

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