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 Western/Wild West / 268
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Federali's and the Alamo
Fri, 14 Jul 2000 18:55:10 GMT
2804 times
Well, It's been a while since there has been any type of new post here, so
here goes.  I am on a brief foray into the exciting (and cheap)worlds of
cancelled themes. Ninja and Adv. have been getting my buck for a few months as
they are on clearance everywhere.  I did however purchase a Legoredo on ebay,
so I should be back on track soon.  Has anyone noticed that the Blue soldiers
from the Pirate theme (with the tall hats) would make excellent Mexican
Federali troops?
Even their plaster and brick fortresses could be combined with the Tan Bricks
and Log pieces (from Ninja and Egypt Adv.)to create a happenin' Southwestern
setting.  There is enough tan out there to make a decent Alamo!  I'm sure
someone with an x acto knife could turn Majisto's hat into a sombrero.
Poncho's would be easy to make (much like the capes).Somebody get a head start
and run with this!

(Not really a WW theme but hey)
There could be even more Americana in a revolutionary war setting.  We've got
redcoated pirate soldiers with tri-cornered hats.  We've got Blue coated one's
too! There are even pirate guys who could easily be made into Minutemen (a
massachusets militia)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Federali's and the Alamo
(...) That sounds like a good idea. I don't have the brick wall pieces from the pirate sets but I am sure that there could be some substitute out there. Great ideas Jon! Thanks David (URL) (24 years ago, 14-Jul-00, to lugnet.western)

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