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 Western/Wild West / 202
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WW/Adv. cross-over (and a Tommy-Gun) -- was "Re: Future Wild West Possibilities"
lugnet.western, lugnet.adventurers
Wed, 29 Mar 2000 16:14:30 GMT
9991 times
[notice "follow-up"]

In lugnet.western, Jon Furman writes:

In thinking about the future of wild west possibilities,
especially when combining WW with adventurers,
the possibilities really are cool.
The two time periods are the closest together of all the sets.

I've done this myself.

I've got several WW figs that were originally Adv.,
and vice-versa.

Thinking ahead even further, you could set the time for the 1920's,
even 30's, and do a Chicago gangster theme.
...  Oh well, we would need a Tommy gun for the minifigs.

[expression type="smirk"]

Do tell...  Why, yes, now that you ask,
I *have* made a tommy-gun for my minifigs.


Take a 2x2 round tile, a 1x1 plate w/ "vertical" clip,
and a rifle.  Clip the 1x1 "vert." to the barrel of the rifle
just in front of the receiver (i.e., as far back as possible
against the rectangular part of the rifle),
and then attach the 2x2 tile to the 1x1 "vert.".


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Future Wild West Possibilities
In thinking about the future of wild west possibilities, especially when combining WW with adventurers, the possibilities really are cool. The two time periods are the closest together of all the sets. You could set the time period towards the late (...) (24 years ago, 29-Mar-00, to lugnet.western)

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