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What Lego didn't want you to see........
Tue, 20 Jun 2000 15:39:02 GMT
8951 times

It's about time I revealed some secrets about the Rock Raiders. I read in the
Ultimate Lego Book and saw the prototypes for Rock Raider models(see Design
Concept p.30-31) The prototypes were much better! The prototype rock raiders
had a UNIFORM, which was: Construction helmet w/goggles attached, classic
smiley head, red neckerchief, overalls torso(Bandit's torso) and blue pants.
They also had handheld drills, pretty cool if you as me. The earlier vehicles
had WAY better cockpit pieces and 10 times as less SPUDs.The chrome crusher
originally had twin drills,too! The granite grinder looked way different, but
much sleeker and better!Instead of Rock Raiders HQ, they originally had
a "technodrome" type mobile base! They actually were supposed to have enemies,
which were the Insectoids!Finally the insectoids actually have a purpose!The
Raiders also had rock monsters, but they weren't the real threat. I don't know
why Lego didn't use the original ideas. They were much better and I will use
these ideas for my rock raiders and insectoid sets.Let me know what you think.


P.S. Most of the information came from a concept sketch poster on page 30 in
the Ultimate Lego Book.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: What Lego didn't want you to see........
Sergio, You really got a lot out of that picture didn't you? I'll have to go home and look at it in a lot more detail tonight. I just got that book for Fathers day and really haven't had time to study the images that tight yet. Thanks for the (...) (25 years ago, 20-Jun-00, to lugnet.underground)
  Re: What Lego didn't want you to see........
In lugnet.underground, Sergio Guerra wrote about the design concepts for Rock Raiders: (...) Maybe it was that crazed TLC executive who was running around yelling, "More Juniorization! We must have MORE JUNIORIZATION!!" Or maybe not. But it could (...) (25 years ago, 21-Jun-00, to lugnet.underground)

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