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Re: Sirens can be US or UK sirens as well!
Sun, 23 Dec 2007 23:51:56 GMT
12499 times
Some sirens will have a different wail.  I have quite a few of them and some
were obviously made for the UK (weeee-wah, weeee-wah) and some are made for the
US (wee-ooo, wee-ooo, wee-ooo).
Actually, there is only one siren which plays both sounds as far as I can
tell. You turn the knob on the top of the siren to change what sound is played.

Thats how it is on all the sirens I have seen anyway.

Message is in Reply To:
  Sirens can be US or UK sirens as well!
Just my too sense: Some sirens will have a different wail. I have quite a few of them and some were obviously made for the UK (weeee-wah, weeee-wah) and some are made for the US (wee-ooo, wee-ooo, wee-ooo). Aaah, gotta love the technical jargon! :-) (...) (16 years ago, 23-Dec-07, to,

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