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Moscow in the 80s - diorama
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Mon, 26 Mar 2007 17:03:40 GMT
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30813 times

Overview Metro station Street scene



Hi all,

This has been a long planned and long prepared project of mine (and will hopefully continue to develop once I have more space) but I think I’m finally happy enough with it to post pictures. I’ve tried to recreate Moscow in the early 80s before perestroika and globalisation altered the city forever. I’ve attempted to keep as much as possible authentic to the era although I believe the bus may actually be a St Petersburg livery rather than a Moscow one. I’d be really happy to hear of any inaccuracies or mistakes from people that have lived in Moscow at that time so I can improve it.

The whole thing sits on a 96x48 base and the street level covers 96x40 (plus a little extra for tram track). In total there are eight cars (four Zaz 968s, one ZAZ 965 and three Gaz Volgas), one traffic police van, a Zil bus, a Tatra T-3 tram and an 81-717 Metro train. Total piece count is probably around 5000 bricks.

I have to extend a great deal of thanks to Alexander Horoshilov and Derek Schin for their help. Alexander very kindly found me a bunch of Russian language reference sites with photos of Moscow (including some from the very era I was interested in) and Derek very kindly took some snapshots for me last time he was in Moscow. Without this help I could never have got this far. Thanks too to Tim David for pushing me and giving advice on the diorama along thw way.

Anyway, enough talk,


Message has 6 Replies:
  Re: Moscow in the 80s - diorama
(...) Hi Tim, Brickshelf didn't make us wait to long . . . Looks great! The trains and bus are my favorites. You've gotten some really nice details into the buildings as well as the subway platform. I love the doubled arches on the subway platform. (...) (17 years ago, 26-Mar-07, to, FTX)
  Re: Moscow in the 80s - diorama
Uh, oh, you may have an argument to model the underside of baseplates in LDraw: (URL) (It may not be obvious, but I'm being at least somewhat tongue-in-cheek here.) --Travis (17 years ago, 26-Mar-07, to, FTX)
  Re: Moscow in the 80s - diorama
Hi Tim, very nice diorama! To be honest, I have expected something different when I read the title (a virtual version of moscow, of course - for which I am now waiting month and years...:-) ) It looks like a capital so crowded and also it reminds me (...) (17 years ago, 26-Mar-07, to, FTX)
  Re: Moscow in the 80s - diorama
(...) Tim, This is great! I studied in Moscow for a few months in 1987 and have many memories of the transport-- I particularly like your subway cars. To complete the street scene I suggest adding a long line of shopping-bag-carrying minifigs (...) (17 years ago, 27-Mar-07, to, FTX)
  Re: Moscow in the 80s - diorama
Wow, that is a lot of work, and it all looks wonderful. You are a great builder. - Eric (17 years ago, 27-Mar-07, to
  Re: Moscow in the 80s - diorama
On 2007-03-26, Tim Gould <> wrote: ... (...) Nice work! So thanks to him for pushing you, yes :) (17 years ago, 27-Mar-07, to, FTX)

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