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Side forklift
Tue, 22 May 2007 13:13:04 GMT
13748 times
Hi all,

it seems that the Spring brings new life in the technic elevator-field. So,
beside making my compliments to Peer Kreuger for his beautiful pallet lifter, I
just wanted to show my latest attemp to build a side forklift, which is not the
definitive version, but I think it introduces some novelty which I hope is
interesting for you.

This MOC is electrically operated, since my other attemps
( to build a
pneumatic forklift resulted in a "sling-effect" when lifting the load.

Like the real one, it has the following features:
- omni-directional steering: thanks to two traction wheels, which can rotate
freely 360°, the forklift is able to move in every direction (let's call it
"crab steering", as someone already did, I think); it can also rotate on place,
and, by little practice in "syncronizing" the traction wheels with the
controller, it can perform virtually every radius or path.

- forks up and down: this is a development of the first design I employed in my
pneumatic forklift: I used a "travelling" gear box to operate the gears which
move the chains and therefore the mast. I did a small MOV, unfortunately it
resulted a bit dark:
The electrical operation gives precision and sufficient load capacity at any
moment (no need to "overboost" the air pressure manually in the heavier

- mast advancing-retracting: the mast is operated by chains (moved by two
micromotors) and slides to reach the "load" placed in front of the forklift,
then retracts to allow the machine to enter between narrow shelves. To my
surprise, no micromotor jamming happens in this application, as I am normally
experiencing in 50% of micromotor implemetations.

UNLIKE the real one, my forklift lacks:

- mast tilting: I had no micromotors left, but I think that it can be
- wheel automatic sync: I hope I will develop this feature in the future.
Actually, it needs a bit of practice to align the forklift in the desired
direction, but fortunately I managed in gearing down the traction motors quite a
bit toleave enough time to control rotation and movement.
- forks width adjustment
- aestetics ;-)

I played...ehm...beta-tested some hour my new "toy" in a recent "micro-legofest"
that we did to coordinate the "technic construction yard activity" of the
technic Itlug team. I have to say I had to perform "mainteinance" every 15
minutes in average , but I'm quite satisfied anyway.
I hope I can work on the flaws, which are mainly due to space and micromotors

Hereunder the brickshelf gallery, once moderated:

and some deep-link:


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Side forklift
Hey cool. I see the way you used the worm box. Interesting technique! At first I wondered how you used the upper chain links. I thought one end was secured, and, through a sort of "pully" action, raised the forks. Now I see. I wonder what other (...) (18 years ago, 23-May-07, to lugnet.technic)

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