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Re: Modding the new LEGO lightup minifig
Sat, 9 Apr 2005 06:26:59 GMT
12262 times
In lugnet.starwars, Kyle D. Jackson wrote:
I can't believe they didn't make the batteries replaceable.  Well, actually,
I can.  But it seems especially silly for "Try Me" packaging...

I got a kick out of that when I was in the store today.  It's especially funny
when you realize it says "Batteries not replaceable" and "Try Me!" almost right
together...  it's like that moment when Wile E. Coyote stops after he runs off a
cliff, just before he looks down and subsequently falls.

At least the K-Mart people thought about it--they put out the boxes with the Try
Me panel facing backwards.  But then, this is the K-Mart where the Lego is under
an ancient Mega Bloks banner and vice versa, so it's probably just a lucky

-Andrusi &&

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Modding the new LEGO lightup minifig
(...) Rob, my favourite line on your page: "Modding LEGO's rendition of my LifeLites minifigs" LMAO!! Stick it to 'em :] That "trash-can-lid" minifig head on the TLC version is bizarre. I can't believe they didn't make the batteries replaceable. (...) (19 years ago, 5-Feb-05, to lugnet.starwars,,

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