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 Star Wars / 17207
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Re: Modding the new LEGO lightup minifig
Sat, 5 Feb 2005 16:50:45 GMT
11876 times
In lugnet.starwars, Kyle D. Jackson wrote:

I recally one of your LifeLites' versions having the saber removeable from
the hand, where the in/out of hand made it light up.  To me that was the
neatest implementation and, in movie terms, the most realistic.

Ooh good thought.  What might be even neater is if the blade itself is
removable, so that when you put the blade in, it lights up.  That would be even
more movie-realistic.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Modding the new LEGO lightup minifig
(...) Rob, my favourite line on your page: "Modding LEGO's rendition of my LifeLites minifigs" LMAO!! Stick it to 'em :] That "trash-can-lid" minifig head on the TLC version is bizarre. I can't believe they didn't make the batteries replaceable. (...) (19 years ago, 5-Feb-05, to lugnet.starwars,,

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