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 Space / 9282
    Ship Building Weekend at Scott Sanburn's - Trevor Pruden and Tim Courtney in Attendance —Scott Sanburn
   To All, Trevor Pruden, Tim Courtney, and myself had a ship building weekend at my apartment in South Bend, Indiana this last weekend. It was a great deal of fun! We talked on and off about it for a few weeks, and it finally came about this last (...) (23 years ago, 18-Jun-01, to,
        Re: Ship Building Weekend at Scott Sanburn's - Trevor Pruden and Tim Courtney in Attendance —Chris Leach
   (...) Yep i met Tim last summer(and his little dog to.)<best wicked witch voice> Great guy. (...) Wow some of those ships are really cool.This whole contraption thing may turn out to be alot of fun even for a former space guy. (23 years ago, 18-Jun-01, to,
        Re: Ship Building Weekend at Scott Sanburn's - Trevor Pruden and Tim Courtney in Attendance —Jesse Alan Long
   (...) I like your space craft. How many Lego bricks and plates did you use in the space craft? Is "Naked Space" one of those motion pictures that the Mystery Science Theater 3000 people forget to watch in their vault or is it something worse than (...) (23 years ago, 19-Jun-01, to,
        Re: Ship Building Weekend at Scott Sanburn's - Trevor Pruden and Tim Courtney in Attendance —Scott Sanburn
     Jesse & All, (...) Thanks. I have no idea how many plates and bricks, but let's say several hundred right now, maybe a coupe thousand so far, in the incomplete phase. Tim Courtney uses a multilayer plate technique to form the base of the ship, and (...) (23 years ago, 19-Jun-01, to,
        Re: Ship Building Weekend at Scott Sanburn's - Trevor Pruden and Tim Courtney in Attendance —Scott Sanburn
   Jesse & All, (...) Thanks. I have no idea how many plates and bricks, but let's say several hundred right now, maybe a coupe thousand so far, in the incomplete phase. Tim Courtney uses a multilayer plate technique to form the base of the ship, and (...) (23 years ago, 19-Jun-01, to,

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