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 Space / 39104
    Space Awards at BrickFest 2005 —Leonard Hoffman
   Well hello Spacers! BrickFest is fast approaching, and to tell you what, I am as excited as a fleebnork in a pile of power converters!! But maybe you're not feeling the excitement as much as I am, so I thought I'd drop some killer information on (...) (19 years ago, 25-Jul-05, to,,, FTX) !! 
        Re: Space Awards at BrickFest 2005 —Bruce Hietbrink
   (...) Hey guys, These are great! My fave is probably Gil's, because (URL) set 487, Space Cruiser> was my first "big" set as a child and holds a special place in my heart, and this is basically a vig version. All of them are uber-cool, though. Good (...) (19 years ago, 25-Jul-05, to,, FTX)

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