The Grand Admiral has been rescued!
Tue, 27 Jul 2004 20:38:37 GMT
2011 times
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Greetings, denizens of Space.
I have been rescued, thanks to the efforts of Captain Fazoom and Justice!
Read the saga here:
(click the image)
Special thanks to Chris Giddens, without whom there would be no Justice.
Thanks also to those of you who assisted with the photos at Brickfest PDX.
-Grand Admiral
.space Curator
Message has 15 Replies: | | Re: The Grand Admiral has been rescued!
| (...) Wow, this is really great guys. It was funny, and had some great effects. And it was long! 56 panels! Must have taken a long time. HLDITYTMI *clink* A very nice special appearance by Dr. Terrible, and what happened to Dr. Grubergruber? It (...) (20 years ago, 27-Jul-04, to, FTX)
| | | Re: The Grand Admiral has been rescued!
| Finally! I was beginning to think that 3vil would prevail and all those times in the movies where they say "Justice always wins" wouldn't be true. Wait... IT"S NOT OVER YET! NOOOOO!!! Andrew Horvatits (20 years ago, 27-Jul-04, to, FTX)
| | | Re: The Grand Admiral has been rescued!
| (...) HEHE!!!! Oh, that was hilarious!! Well worth it! I may not have taken pics, but I'm happy I spent all that time making a carrier for the Fazoom-O-Craft to withstand the turbulence of a Boeing 767 coming from Atlanta to Portland back in (...) (20 years ago, 27-Jul-04, to, FTX)
| | | Re: The Grand Admiral has been rescued!
| Nicely done Mark, and all the others who helped. I really like how well all the factions/characters were integrated into this story. Excellent work. Heh, and I can't wait to see more of EB in the next comic. That will just add to the hilarity. :-) (...) (20 years ago, 27-Jul-04, to, FTX)
| | | Re: The Grand Admiral has been rescued!
| (...) This is really a high water mark of brickcomix in my opinion. Not only is it visually compelling, but the writing, characters, staging easily draws you in and makes it like a mini movie. Awesome work gents...can't wait for the next (...) (20 years ago, 28-Jul-04, to, FTX)
| | | Re: The Grand Admiral has been rescued!
| (...) I gotta be honest with you, something was missing.... I need more Dr. Terrible. I GOTTA have more Dr. Terrible. I have a fever, and the prescription is more Dr. Terrible. If wanting more Dr. Terrible is wrong, I don't want to be right. -nk (20 years ago, 28-Jul-04, to, FTX)
| | | Re: The Grand Admiral has been rescued!
| Funny stuff, great work on this. This is the kind of stuff that .space needs to unify its common soul. Did that sound poetic? I hope so, feels like at a moment like this that we need poetic reflections or something. (20 years ago, 29-Jul-04, to, FTX)
| | | Re: The Grand Admiral has been rescued!
| (...) That's awesome. I never knew Fazoom was a redneck. Now I do. Looking forward to forthcoming chapters, should there be any, although I do hope there'll be new 3vil models before then ;) Cheers, Allister (20 years ago, 29-Jul-04, to, FTX)
| | | Re: The Grand Admiral has been rescued!
| Your creative genious is complimented by your graphic art skills. Wonderfully and caringly produced. Wow, that was fun and the visuals were like candy to my eyes. Thank you! More!!! e (20 years ago, 29-Jul-04, to
| | | Re: The Grand Admiral has been rescued!
| Sweet comic! Fazoom should have his own series called "Rednex in Space." I have to say the shot with Fazoom in the cockpit before take off is my favorite. The battle damage is a great touch. Lots of cool details. Word. --Dan (20 years ago, 31-Jul-04, to, FTX)
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