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 Robotics / RCX / 2978
Communication with Swan firmware
Mon, 1 May 2017 08:20:25 GMT
28987 times
Good morning
We are using a total of 12 lego rcx sets to practice in an educational center.
We are using the nqc language with these robots. We use 2 types of firmware: on
the one hand the firm0328.lgo, sometimes the firm0332.lgo, ie RCX2, and also the
fast0103.lgo. I have not managed to work with nqc correctly a higher version of
the firmware created by Dick Swan. Why do not we always use the Swan despite its
advantages? Because we have a problem with communication between rcx. We managed
to maintain unidirectional communication between 2 RCX2 and from Swan to RCX2.
Also bidirectional between 2 RCX2. What we can not do is that Swan gets
messages. Really, what we can not do is to get a second message. The first
message is received, but then no longer receives more, even if we stop the
program with the "run" key. We can only stop it by pressing the "on / off" key
and then turning it back on. Each time you receive a message, this appears on
the screen with the transmission points, but the rcx with Swan does not seem to
react. We have tried to place waiting times between receptions but it does not
seem to work.
For a while we have given up on robots with 2 rcx to work with 6 sensors
simultaneously, or we have to work with 6 sensors, but giving up the advantages
of the Swan firmware.
But now I was determined to take up this issue, because I think that
communication between 2 Swan, by now, must be more than proven, and as I have
not seen anyone comment on this problem, it must be that we are doing something
I know this material is discontinued and there is less and less information on
the web, but if there is still someone out there using it, could anyone tell us
if receiving several messages by a Swan can be obtained, and if you have some
example of a simple program?
Perhaps it can influence in this the fact of having several tasks running
simultaneously so that the messages do not work?

Re: Communication with Swan firmware
Mon, 18 Jun 2018 17:36:25 GMT
18626 times
I've used the RCX with standard LEGO firmware, though I'm not familiar with the
Swan firmware.  Having said that, this simply sounds like the old message is not
getting cleared to make room for the new message.  Have you tried calling the
ClearMessage() function?

If that doesn't fix it, try posting your source code and maybe someone can
figure it out.

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